Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Biting your nails is a terrible habit. And not just biting them, but chewing on them until you can’t chew anymore, because they’re just too short. A terrible habit and one I’ve had as long as…forever (Mom asked me I remember when I started…I don't). Then about a month ago I decided I wanted to stop-this was nothing new though, everyone 2 years or so I  “decide to stop”-but this time was different…I actually quit. Just like that. No more biting. I don't know what made this time so special, maybe it was all the beautiful manicure ideas on Pinterest, or the reality that biting your dirty nails while living in El Salvador is probably a good way to get sick, but I just stopped biting them.

They’re not having the easiest time growing in, they’re different shapes and lengths, but they’re there and that’s what counts. And I know that biting my nails isn’t that serious of an issue but I’m pretty proud of my self-control; pleased that everytime I wanted to stick my finger in my mouth I was able to stop and say “What are you doing? Is this really worth it?” Self-control in any form is important though.If I applied this to food, “Is that extra scoop of ice cream really worth it?” or to exercise, “What are you really going to do in the next hour that is more productive than going on a run?” So yeah, biting my nails was a little thing, but it’s the little things that make the big things happen.

Plus now I can finally do all those cute manicures I’ve been staring at online. Today I’m really excited because I did this:nail1 I’m new at this and my painting skills could use a little work…the idea for this came from here 
Essie Nail Polish// sand tropez & set in stones

I love just about anything nude (not like that…eww-I mean the color geesh). And the pop of the one glittery nail makes me smile. Seriously sparkles and finger nails were meant for each other. Don’t you think so?

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