Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Festival of Colors

this saturday was the annual holi:festival of colors over in spanish fork and of course we went. {you can click on that link there for some more information about what the festival is} it was a blast, as expected.ladies
nmnkhandskmmshake nnnnn and then this happened. all i have to say about it is communication is key when you’re going to pretend to kiss someone…make sure both parties know you’re just pretending, or you may actually end up kissing.kiss in other news…check out this video! my little group made it in…we’re throwing chalk at the camera at about 1:15
{photos:Jake Page Photography…but i did take a couple of them}


  1. Theres one I know that neither of you.took. ; )

  2. these pictures are REALLY good!

    what kind of camera do you use?

    1. Thanks (:
      It's my friend's camera and it's a Canon 50D
