Saturday, December 17, 2011

10 Things I Learned During Finals Week…


  1. How a Pez dispenser works
  2. The word "Studying" was derived from the words "Students Dying."
  3. “Total Eclipse of the Heart” is actually an 80’s song originally performed by Bonnie Tyler and not by the cast of Glee
  4. Functioning on 3 hours of sleep is difficult but very possible.
  5. If you put metal spoons in the freezer, when you cry you can take them out and put them on your face to get rid of the awful red blotchiness
  6. Dropping out of school works out for some people. Ben Affleck. Mark Zuckerberg. Kevin Bacon. The guy that owns J-Dawgs.
  7. About Gitto’s painting: He didn’t work on it himself but let his name take credit for it; just like Levi didn’t actually sew your jeans.
  8. It is possible to write 5 half-page reading responses, a 2 page essay and an 8 page paper, all in one night if necessary.
  9. As much as I love pizza rolls and artificial fruit juice…living off them gets pretty old pretty quick. However, I will probably do it again next semester.
  10. There is nothing like the feeling of being DONE with a semesters worth of classes! Freeeddoooomm!

1 comment:

  1. I am skeptical of number 4. I was there and am not sure how functional you were. Oh did you notice how I am reading and commenting on your blog? Thats just how good your blog is. I read this before my sisters' blogs. You should feel loved and never mention this to anyone in my family.
