To finish off the summer my family and my Shelby-girl went on a little trip to Maine.
We spent some time in Acadia National Park-being the first to watch the sunrise in the U.S
Then we did a little camping and some awesome White Water Rafting. Unfortunately I don’t have pictures from the rafting but I do have some from our camp. 2 days of camping along the river was quite the adventure for us. We forgot the tent pole to the big tent so Dad and Zach had to use a little ingenuity and rig the tent up using sticks, rope and the surrounding trees. Shelby and I slept in a “two-man” tent. And I can no add in a river to the list of places I have washed my hair.
We spent the last two days in Kennebunkport and I got to check Whale Watching off my bucket list! It took us a little while to find these surprisingly stealth beast, but once we did it was awesome!
There were a few that were only a few feet from the boat. It was truly amazing to see this HUGE creatures up close.