I need to take you back a few months to August 2010….my parents, little brother, grandfather and I took a little road trip from Massachusetts to Utah. We drove 2400 miles in less than two days without stopping for a period of time exceeding an hour. During this time I ate a whole ton of nasty fast food, used some interesting bathrooms, washed my hair in the bathroom sink of a truck stop in the middle of Iowa (how many people can say they’ve done that?) and became very acquainted with Interstate 80 which goes straight across the country from New Jersey to San Francisco.
At our first rest stop. We had a home-made trailer full of luggage, bicycles and other random things. The whole thing wouldn’t fit in a regular parking space so we had to park it with the big rigs.
Iowa: More corn than people
Nebraska: 8 hours of corn…I kid you not, nothing but corn
The most amount of time we spent outside of the car was an hour at the Strategic Air and Space Museum in Nebraska.
I pretty much slept through the state of Wyoming but after seeing nothing but farms and corn for what seemed like forever I was please to wake up to something resembling a mountain.
Provo may not be the greatest city ever built but after 43 hours straight in a car I was more than excited to see the familiar Y mountain.
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