Day 12: A Picture of Something you Love
Last semester was rough because I could only watch a few games and was reduced to watching the score for the Pats game scroll on the bottom of the screen during other NFL games. When I did get to watch the games I big time missed being with my family and the crazy atmosphere in the house when we're all gathered around. I couldn't wait to get home for Christmas break, during which I was able to watch 3 games!
If you know my family you know how crazy they are normally and that adding sports into the mix just multiplies it. You have my Auntie Beckie and I who just scream and scream and scream at the TV as if it's going to make a lick of a difference. You have my Nana, who bless her heart, has no idea what's actually happening but tries so hard and makes the experience so much more fun with comments like "Which color are we cheering for?" and "Aww, he didn't get it? The poor guy, he tried so hard."(and she often supplies the food, which is always bomb). Then there is GG who seems to know what's going on except that she thinks the Patriots are coached by Bill Bucklecheck and the quaterback is Tom Braly. Uncle Jared is always good for noticing the little off things during plays like players "holding hands" or someone tripping. It just goes on and family is awesome.
(Another thing I love is the number 12...which happens to be the number for this blog and Tom Brady's number-I also love him...pretty sweet.)
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