Day 11: A Picture of Something You Hate
Nope, not the french fries but the big nasty piece of fried fish over there. But not just fried fish all types of fish (except Tuna-like from a can-but I dont think that really counts because it doesn't have the seafood taste) and most other types of seafood. I know, I know, I'm from New England and I don't like seafood; it really is a shame. I honestly wish I did enjoy it but it makes me want to gag. Funny story, one day I was telling this guy (from Utah) that I didn't like seafood and he had the audacity to tell me it was because I "haven't had it cooked right"...I'm from New England fool...I think I know fish a little better than you!
I will eat Clam Chowder and stuffed cohogs just don't stick a fish on my plate, or lobster or crab, or get the point. However, there is one exception to this fish rule- My Nana's Bake Stuffed Haddock. I love the stuffing so much that I'll suffer through the fish taste to eat it. Because my Nana loves me she has started to make me my own little separate pan of stuffing whenever she cooks this family favorite meal (yes, the stuffing also contains seafood but its masked by other flavors)...she's the best!
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