Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Awkward and Awesome

I haven’t done one of these suckers in a while. Not to say that Awkward and Awesome things haven’t been happening, I just haven’t been writing about them. So this post is to catch you up with the semester thus far.



  • Meeting a kid in the ward for the first time and upon learning only his first name responding with “Oh you live in apartment 17”. Yeah, he had no idea who I was-so I definitely didn’t seem like a creep at all.
  • Me taking gymnastics this semester. It seemed like a great idea at the time but now I realize, not so much. I have pretty much lost any talent I ever had. I can barely do the skills my 6 year old self had mastered. It’s really quite embarrassing.
  • Answering the door in my short-short cheerleading shorts and then instead of just letting the guy in and going to change, I slammed the door right in his face. Then stood up against it like I was in a horror movie and he was gonna break in and kill me or something.
  • Direct quote from a friend referring to the fact that my head is at his chest level “Yeah, I could probably pinch your nose in there”. Uhmmm…WHAT?! Yeah, he’s a real charmer.
  • My closet door fell on me. Yup. I hung my skirt up, closed the door, turned around and then BAM! Door on my head. Luckily, I heard it coming and put my hands up to protect my noggin. But then I couldn’t figure out how to move the door without dropping it on me further so I just stood there under the door, until I managed to maneuver myself out from underneath. But what’s worse is that my roommate just sat there the whole time and didn’t even help!


  • Lighting floating lanterns Tangled style. I was just chillin’ in my apartment, playing games with some friends and one just went floating on by. So I ran outside and got to light one. It was magical.
  • Watching movies that were childhood favorites. This list includes The Lion King {in the movie theater and 3D-and we got the special edition kids glasses}, Beauty and the Beast and The Land Before Time. {Also, if you want to really enhance your viewing experience of movies or tv shows, assign the different characters to be people you hang out with…makes it 20x more entertaining}
  • General Conference. Having the opportunity to hear Prophets and Apostles of the Lord speak is something I truly enjoy and it should never be taken for granted. Also, to be in the Conference Center and on Temple Square for both Sunday sessions was amazing. I even got to watch the second session in ASL…beautiful.
  • Lunch with my twins. They get cuter and cuter {and smarter and smarter} everytime I see them. They kept asking to hold my hand and I got lots of kisses (:
  • Fall weather=Fall clothes…which means boots and sweaters-COZY. Also, hot coco and tea (herbal, or course). If only Utah had the same foliage as back home *sigh*


  1. In regards to Awkward #5:

  2. Just Drive up the canyon. I hear there is foliage up there...
