- Not having a car radio. My mother had been using my car while hers was getting some body work done because of a incident in December involving me, her car and a dumpster. Yesterday, Mom’s car was all fixed up and when I went to drive to work I couldn’t find my key…Mom had left it in the ignition and the car in idle. Poor thing wouldn’t even attempt to turn over. My grandfather got it all taken care of but apparently the car thought it was being stolen and it’s anti-theft mechanism involves shutting the radio down which makes no sense to me (“you don’t want to steal this car it doesn’t have a radio, not worth it). We have to go to a dealership and get it fixed so until then no radio. I’m glad I figured out to use the speaker on my iPod because the awkward silence between myself and I was too weird.
- Sitting in front of the chapel at church facing the crowd and listening to your dad give all the details of how your diaper was changed as a baby.
- The outtakes of the photos Shelby and I took. If my shortness didn’t give it away these photos left no doubt in my mind that I wasn’t meant to be a model.
- Me walking after a day in high heels. I love heels (probably because I’m 5ft nothing) but it’s been a while since I wore them for a period of time longer than 3 hours of sitting in church. They take a little getting used to just asked anyone who has witnessed my pained duck walk or any individual who has attempted to take a step in a 5in high heel shoe.
- The moment between when you fall/trip and realize someone saw your blunder.
- Morning Trips to Dunkin Donuts. Every morning on the way to work Mom, Dad and I make a trip to the local Dunkin’-this is been going on for quite sometime it seems as my parents are regulars and know all the employees life stories and all the other usual customers. These people are hilarious and it really makes me feel like I live in a small town. Those 5 minutes at the counter are a great way to start the day.
- Getting a awesome skirt and belt combo for 5 bucks. Also the fact that my mom’s closet is now mine and mine hers…I love having extra clothes.
- I tried Sushi (again) and actually like it…kinda. I’ve already said I hate fish so raw fish definitely doesn’t appeal to me. But my whole family eats the stuff including Zach-and if Zach can do it I can. I had 4 rolls and actually enjoyed them until I bit into one and felt fish eggs pop in my mouth…not so appetizing.
- The things people say. Here's some quotes from the last week:
- (Talking about the male singer of Lady Antebellum) Shelby: Why does he always wear those weird shirts that show his cleavage. Mom: Yeah, and he totally man-scapes.
- What ever happened to normal people running for president?-One of my fellow morning Dunkin goers.
- Mom: I dont know you have to ask dad, he's the boss with all the money. Dad: I'm not the boss, I'm just the bank.
- Me: Mom do you have a black shirt I can borrow. Mom: I do. It's in Zach's closet where I get all my winter clothes.
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