I think my mom really missed me while I was away at school…she keeps taking me shopping (: Unfortunately I didn’t find anything this weekend…I felt like a complete old lady in everything I tried on.
Lunch however was ahhh-mazing. I’m really trying with this Sushi/Maki thing. This time I was a chicken though and just got some Maki rolls with cucumber and sweet potato (I didn’t want to spend the money on the fish if I wasn’t going to like it-so I just tried mom’s) but next time there will be some crab and shrimp! Also, check out the plating-how cute is that? I’ve been told the dinner plating is wicked awesome-can’t wait!
After shopping and lunch we went to my first summer party/get together. I ate like a whole bowl of smart-food popcorn…yeah about that. Also, I played pool with these balls that light up when you hit them-awwwsome! Although my pool skills are improving I still got my butt kicked-but I didn’t scratch once (:
Sunday was church. It was Stake conference and a special broadcast to the New England area from Salt Lake. President Eyring spoke has roots in New England and spoke to us…he mentioned the “New Bedford Branch” which was the root of the very ward I was sitting in. My family was one of the original families in that ward-totally cool and gave me chills.
If you haven’t already figured it out-I kinda sorta like food…and I like to blog about it too (note: the only pictures in this post are of food). For Sunday dinner we made homemade pizzas-yummy! The were on really flat crusts and we had some issues getting them from the counter to the over…it took 3 of us-yeah I’m not so proud of that. Whatever, the pizza was SOOOOOOO good!
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