Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Awkward and Awesome Wednesday

  • Wearing a wetsuit-if you've ever worn a wetsuit you understand.
  • Finding out a few minutes into a flirtatious conversation with the gorgeous guy sitting next to me on the plane that he has a child...and a baby-mama
  • Running in heels while dragging a suitcase through the airport-Chasing down the old lady who accidentally took my bag instead of hers off the turny-thing and walked away with it
  • Singing out loud without realizing it until being asked by a random guy on the street what I'm singing.
  • The fact that it seems all my family does and talks about these days is farting. Laughing about who does it the most or the loudest, "throwing" it in each others faces, discussing what food that was eaten that made it get the point. It's one thing when the college students I hang out with joke about flatulence, it's another thing when my mother does it.
  • Crossing white water rafting off the bucket list...and white water rafting in general-I can't wait to go again!
  • Eating healthy-seriously I've been home 5 days (plus my time in Reno was pretty healthy) and I love the way my family is eating. Yummy and good for you!
  • A 3 mile walk/run with my Nana. She told me she could do 1 3/4 miles and we did 3...I'm so proud of her!
  • Having a job only 3 days after getting home. Not just any job but one that is related to my major. Also having my own car to drive or the summer (thank you Nana)
  • Being home! No explanation needed...

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