Thursday, April 7, 2011

I'm a Talker

I am a far as I know I always have been and that's probably not gonna change anytime soon. However, I very much dislike standing up and talking in front of a group of people-I don't even like praying for big groups. Unfortunately, as finals week approaches and the end of the semester draws near there is something that forces me to face this enemy of mine-Class Presentations. I had two...yes TWO of these dreaded assignments this week, both of which are worth a significant amount of my grade in the class.

Today, I had a group presentation-which is a little better (not all the attention is on me)-and I flew through my part so fast. It's a good thing there wasn't a length requirement because then I'd be in trouble.

Today was no where near as bad as Monday when I had to stand in front of the class and a video camera (I'm not sure which was worse-everyone watching or knowing it was being recorded) and tell a children's story in sign language. I get scared presenting in English never mind a language I barely know. I was terrified, for the first 3 minutes my hands were shaking so bad and I'm sure that really made my signing look extra special.

Anyway, glad to have those over with for the next few months. Now to make it through the hours upon hours of studying (or should I say re-learning) and test taking known as F.I.N.A.L.S (Freak I Never Actually Learned this Stuff) week.

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