Monday, April 11, 2011


The other day Em, Nalani, our friend Jeremy and I decided we wanted to make cupcakes for some people in the ward. Originally, we were thinking just a few but then we decided to make a whole bunch and give them to just about everyone we saw. I must say I was pretty impressed with my decorating skills…I may be a good home-maker yet.

DSCN2641 We made chocolate-peanut butter, strawberry, vanilla and also a few with more than one of those flavors.

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I totally dropped an egg on the ground and broke it…and had to let it sit there until Jeremy came back from his apartment with paper towels because we were all out...maybe I can still work on the homemaker thing :/

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We’re fun people who really like to bake…I think that’s what these pictures say. The middle one also give a glimpse into the obsession Nalani has with baking bread.

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The decorating process is pretty intense. You have to make or dye the frosting and then bag it. You have to pick the right tip for the frosting design you want. Changing bags and tips is pretty gross. Then there’s the after frosting stuff like sprinkles (as demonstrated by Jeremy) and Nalani is cutting strawberries into heart shapes to top some of them.


(Starting at top left: strawberry cake, cream cheese frosting with heart-shaped strawberry topper; vanilla cake Cookie Monster; vanilla cake,Peep topped; chocolate-peanut butter cake, homemade peanut butter frosting, topped with a reeses cup.)

I’d say the finish product was worth the fuss though even if our kitchen did look like a bomb exploded.

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