Saturday, March 26, 2011

the colors! i love the colors!

(Holi Festival of Colors 2011)


This year I celebrated the beginning of spring Indian style at the Holi Festival of Colors in Spanish Fork. As someone who is really interested in different cultures this is something I find absolutely fascinating. The Holi festival is celebrated by Hindu people all over the world and I got to be a part of the largest gathering for it in America. To celebrate the beginning of spring and the triumph of good over evil colorful chalk is thrown into the air. There’s also singing and dancing. Pretty cool right?!


Because we got to the festival early in the day we were able to go into the temple and take part in a dance celebration. I felt very cultured…and hot and tired. We were singing, dancing around in circles and jumping all over the place for about a 1/2 hour, it was crazy!


Other than the fact that the chalk makes its hard to breath for a few seconds I really have no complaints. It’s a fantastic celebration of love, happiness and beauty, where everyone just sort of lets all their troubles go along with the chalk and float away in the wind (at least for a little while). I sound like a complete hippie but honestly that’s kind of how I felt after this.

Ohh and taking a shower afterwards is an experience by itself. Colors (mostly pink for me) just swirl down the drain and it takes FOREVER to get out of your hair!

(so you can pretend like you were there)

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