Day 4: A picture of your night

That's right ladies and gentlemen I spent my night at the gym. I used to hate working out but recently something has happened and I love it...I mean really love it. I love feeling exhausted afterwards, I love sweating (because I feel like I've accomplished something) and I love the escape it gives me. When I want to get away I just throw my headphones in, put on my workout mix and hit the track running.
Tonight however I did the stair-climber; up until recently I had never given the thing a shot but I tried it out last week and man that thing is killer (I've never sweat so much). This is good because tonight I also decided it might be cool to see what my body fat was...bad idea. First, the process of taking it involves having my fat isolated and squeezed...yes's a bit embarrassing. Second while I am not obese I am pretty far from athletic, so it's time to start kicking the calorie burning into overdrive. The more you sweat means the more calories you're burning...right? (If not just let me think that so I stay happy with myself) So that means
sweat=calories burning
calories burning=less body fat
less body fat=athletic me
athletic me=boyfriend?
just equals a happy healthier life (which may or may not include said boyfriend)
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