Day 14: Picture of a Person You Can't Imagine You're Life Without

When I was a little girl I was his shadow; I followed him EVERYWHERE! It didn't matter what he was doing I wanted to do it...even if it was something a little girl should have absolutely no interest in (like going to Home Depot). Whenever, he would get ready to leave the house I would run to the door and stand in front of it so he couldn't get out and the conversation would go something like this:
Daddy: Pumpkin, you have to move Daddy needs to leave.
Me: But I want to go with you Daddy.
Daddy: Daddy is going to [insert location here]
Me: I like [insert same location]
Daddy: It's going to be really boring.
Me: I like boring.
Daddy: *considering taking me with him*
Me: I promise I'll be a good girl.
I dont know how often this worked but I have lots of memories of going to places that looking back probably would have been pretty boring if I had really thought about it, so I guess I was pretty convincing. I was also a curious child and would ask my dear Dad the most random of, "How does a toilet flush"...and he would always do his best to answer them. He taught me lots of random stuff as well as important stuff like how to read. He always made sure that no matter how busy he was we had Daddy-Daughter dates. In second grade when my class was having Pioneer day and needed parents to teach us how to sew, he came into the class. Like I said, totally awesome.
Not much has changed now that I'm older. He still fills my head with all sort of random information. We still go on Daddy-Daughter dates whenever I'm home (only now sometimes I pay). He's also my late night buddy...I'm sort of an insomniac-a trait that definitely comes from my Dad-so we stay up late watching shows like Dark Angel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Alias...and most recently Battlestar Galactica...yeah, I know we're nerds.
But more than just being an awesome Dad he's an all around amazing guy. They say little girls grow up to marry men just like their Dad's. If I can find a man half as special as my father I'll consider myself the luckiest girl on the planet. To put it simply, I love my Dad so much more than I can say in this blog. He really is the best.

ReplyDeleteYou made me just CRY! That was a wonderful tribute to your amazing dad! Dad's are wonderful! It made me think a lot about my dad. Barry has started taking each girl on his errands. They LOVE it! Love ya! Jen